Setchu is a lightweight scaled Agile framework – it provides a refreshing and adaptable approach that believes Agile should be agile!

It encourages you to adopt practices that deliver measurable and repeatable benefit and allows you to leave out the rest. There is no fixed framework that meets every situation and need, so it doesn’t try to be one. Choosing Setchu is choosing to be flexible – it doesn’t dictate, it advocates – by providing a strong Agile foundation to extend for your own requirements.

Setchu happily coexists with other practices and frameworks. Walk away from dogmatic solutions, learned by rote, that do not address reality, evolve or scale and get back to focusing on the product your team wants to develop.

Agile word map

Learn Setchu

Setchu is our own methodology. If you’re trying to implement Agile at scale, consider reading about our approach. It’s still quite new, and hasn’t been fully documented yet, but you should find some useful ideas:

Blog Posts

We’re interested in all flavours of Agile, whether it’s Extreme programming (XP), Kanban, Scrum or anything else that adopts Agile or Lean philosophies, we’re probably going to talk about it. Check out our blog, here.